Today I have scaled up my previous experiments with coloured shapes and light - this time using larger squares of cellophane and natural light - to see how these elements can impact upon a larger space. Although the weather was changeable, and the colours were not as bright and crisp as I would have liked, it has given me a good sense of how a similar set up could work in an installation space. There were also some unexpected, but wonderful effects where the crumpled, thin plastic reflected onto the wall.
The 11th Aesthetica Art Prize is Now Open for Entries. There are two awards for entry: the Main Art Prize and the Emerging Art Prize and the deadline for submitting entries is 31st August 2017.
I have also been working on another body of photographs, this time investigating the liminal space between real and unreal which exists within the shadows of everyday life.
I've been working on a couple of bodies of photographic work, Sleep and Echoes. The former is a study on the timeless beauty of flowers, and the second is an exploration of some of the photographs I took years ago, using a variety of alternative photographic processes - including D.I.Y. pinhole cameras.
More images can be seen on my Photography page. I have added some more images to my Work in Progress page to show my current work in developing an animation in response to the first pastel sketch which I created as part of the practical element for my PhD. I am currently teaching myself Adobe After Effects as I feel that this provides me with a relatively fast and simple way of showing how I see the elements of the piece working together.
I have been awarded a three-month land grant in Second Life by the Linden Endowment for the Arts (LEA) through their Core Sim grant scheme. Commencing in October 2017, this will enable me to progress some of the themes that I have been working on through my PhD research, but take it in a slightly different direction by exploring ideas which are not physically possible in real life. It has been a while since I have had an opportunity to build in Second Life so I am very excited to see what I can do with the time and space I will have available.
About MeArtist and researcher, exploring audience, artwork and environment.. Categories
June 2023